Odelia Reviews: Coraline

Book: Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
Rating: ★★★ (4.49)
Recommend? Yeah.
Series or Stand-alone? Stand-alone (Novella)
Cover Review: Creepy but good. The font is great!
Favorite Line: “Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”

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It’s kind of creepy. It’s not that creepy but there are times where you look up from your book to look around the room in case of monsters.

Character Development game is going strong. I usually like books more if I love the main character and that’s why I gave this a high rating. At first, I didn’t really care about Coraline but the more I read, the more I loved her. She was just so smart and brave! 

Add just one point to my rating and this book would be 5 stars. But why didn’t I add that point? Simply because:

It’s too short! Well, what can you expect from a novella? Of course it’s short! But I just wished I could’ve explored the world more or made a stronger connection to the characters. Wish this could’ve been a novel. (It’s so good!)

I definitely recommend it!